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Welcome! Bienvenu(e) 


What's We Need You?


WE NEED YOU is a none profit organization’s program working in collaboration with a Congolese church, Eglise Puissance de la Croix (EPC), to motivate people, citizens of Congo and others, to come together with tools that will implement positive changes to brighten the future of the young Congolese generations.




(1) For years E.P.C's leader, Bishop Adolphe has helped his community in Beni town in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo by promoting the early learning education and also improving the lives of the endogenous/pygmy people around Beni. Bishop Adolphe and his wife has always dreamed to help their community especially those in need.


Although they had moved to Uganda because they were fearing for the safety of their children after so many killing incident in Beni, for the past six years both husband and wife always find time to go back to visit their church members and community while provide their support.


(2) John is a 22 years old man who is bright and smart from Kinshasa. This young man has always dreamed to go far with his education. After graduating from high school he managed to start college unfortunately John saw his dream fade because he had to drop his classes due to the financial issue. His parents' income could not afford his college in addition to his siblings and the daily expenses. John looks hard to get a way to finance his education but there is no way.


Today, this young man has spent 3 years out of college, he couldn't get a job either...   




We are sure that there are hundreds of other young Congolese who are facing financial issue just like John in the second example. We can also agree that there are thousands of people who are not rich but are willing to help and make change in someone's life just like Bishop Adolphe in our first example.


Both example motivated us to create this program, WE NEED YOU(W.N.Y). This motivation made us understand the importance of bringing people together to create tools to help young Congolese build their self-esteem, leadership, knowledge, and also support their education to give them hope for a bright future.

Please, check our site on how you can get involved.


Thank you for joining us to give hope!




Our Vision


Maximizing the opportunities to provide our youths with tools to allow them to have good understanding of their responsibility as tomorrow's leaders.


Our Mission is to;


  • Create opportunities to improve youths’ knowledge through video seminars and workshop to give them a new perspective of themselves in order to prepare their future,

  • Identify and provide financial assistance to support qualified children with their yearly tuition fees,

  • Initiate a program to mentor our young citizen when necessary,

  • Motivate them to work hard for their families and communities,

  • Provide them with some tools and/or ways to improve their self-esteem, grades, and leadership.


Please join us to give these young people what they need and deserve. Share this with your family and friends because WE NEED YOU and we believe that together we will brighten their future.

Thank you for being one of us!

Our Appreciation

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